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Double Launch

A Double Launch is when you flick a coin twice in rapid succession. It requires considerable energy and is often used for offensive purposes. This is a very important skill to master.

The most common use of a Double Launch is to deliver a strong blow to a target coin. The first launch positions your coin next to the target and the second one strikes it from close range.

Another common application of this Double Launch technique is to slip around a defender.

This maneuver can also be used to rescue a failed single launch wind traversal, typically against your opponent’s wind tile.


An interception is a maneuver placing a defending coin in between your king and an attacker. Ideally the defender controls strategic bottlenecks created by obstacles, walls, and winds. Damage from coin collision only occurs between enemy coins, so even if the enemy strikes your defender which in turn strikes your king, your king is unharmed from the friendly collision. This buys time for your king to flee, or for your coins to counterattack. Interception is ubiquitous to every game.

You can create an interception formation by moving both your king and the defender as well. This situation often arises when your king is being chased. Gently move your king past a defender and then gently move the defender next to the king. This is particularly useful as it consumes very little energy.

Wind Reversal Retreat

To execute this retreat, land in a wind tile, let it carry your coin away, then immediately reverse the direction of that wind tile. This is a very common sequence for king coins in imminent danger.

Coin Trap

This trap is when you seal off an enemy coin using your coins, winds, the walls, and obstacles. This is commonly performed to trap your opponent’s king in corners of the map.